Where Should You Strike With Your Tactical Strike Pen?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with strike pens, they are a handheld weapon that can be used for self-defense. They typically have a pointed end to strike at the opponent's face or neck and come in various lengths. Strike pen today work well because they don't require any special training to use them effectively against an attacker. This article will discuss where strike pen users should strike their opponents so as to cause the most damage possible!
Why are Tactical Pens a Good Defensive Option?
The capacity to infiltrate practically any area is a tactical pen's greatest asset. Are there areas that are secure and sensitive that are screened for weapons? It's no problem. Are there any restrictions on self-defense tool in the area you're visiting? Sure. Airplane? It may be confiscated, therefore probably not. However, there are exceptions.
Tactical strike pen go where other weapons can't because they're first and foremost tools, and they're constructed so that they can be used effectively in combat. Pepper spray can't reach everywhere that most tactical pens can.
A self defense tactical pen can always, always be with you, which means you'll always have a better option than angry words, fists, and feet. Tactical pens are another alternative that is usually regarded as less than fatal force, depending on how it is used.
Having an option to use when greater force than fisticuffs is required but bullets or swords are not is critical to attaining a favorable decision if you are involved in a legal battle on the backside, especially for civilians.
When utilized properly, a tactical pen's portability, concealability (often in plain sight!), and unexpected potency can swiftly shift the tide in a fight by frightening your opponent. A nasty guy who is more concerned about what you just did to him and what else you might do to him will rarely prosecute his attack with clear eyes and a full heart.
These particular pens aren't a one-size-fits-all solution for every potential battle, but they are a great low-profile choice that you can take with you anywhere and with which you may always have cover for your circumstances: when does a writing pen ever arouse suspicion?
5 Areas to Hit with Your Tactical Pen
You could laugh at the concept of a pen being anything other than a desperate discreet self-defense tool. Still, until you've had several inches of hardened metal pushed into your sternum, you'll probably rethink your mind. Strike pen tactical pens have been popular for years, providing preppers, protectors, and regular folks with another defensive tool in their toolbox, and this one offers some unique benefits.
Here are some pointers on how to use them effectively—when to strike and where to strike—so you can stuff an assailant and give them something to think about while you make a safe getaway.
You should use your pen to strike an assailant in the hand if you get the chance. This chance may present itself if someone grabs a grip of your shirt or you deflect or trap their weapon-wielding arm.
Driving the pen's point into the delicate tissues and thin, susceptible bones from the top can cause severe discomfort and likely injure the hand, diminishing their gripping ability. In addition, after such a strike, an opponent holding a weapon is likely to drop it.
Imagine that cold, hard metal tip squeezing between your hand's weak, thin bones. Ouch! When someone grabs you, or you deflect and trap an arm, it's the ideal time to use one of these attacks.
While not an incapacitating strike, limiting an opponent's capacity to harm you is always a plus, and striking them in this manner should not be considered lethal in most jurisdictions.
Collar Area
A powerful hammer hit with the tactical pen, held in an icepick grip and directed under the collar bone, will inflict many agonies and shock the attacker by paralyzing their arm.
The collarbone is a delicate bone that is readily shattered. Therefore, a hammer blow administered with a tactical pen is likely to cause severe discomfort and prevent the use of the affected arm. Even if you miss a long shot, pressing the tip of the pen into the soft tissue pocket directly behind the collarbone will be very painful.
When compared to a quick jab, a huge strike like this leaves you susceptible, but if you time it to follow up on the backside of a palm to the face or another technique that disturbs and blinds your opponent, you should have plenty of time to connect.
With no windup, you can push the pen in deep using a stabbing motion helped by your other hand from a clinch. Such a move will swiftly divert the attacker's attention away from you and toward getting away from you!
Base of Deltoid
Overhand strikes to the deltoid are a wonderful method to deaden an opponent's arm if you turn them or get a line on their back. The nerve cluster at the deltoid's base is particularly vulnerable.
Backhand attack with the pen held in the typical ice pick grip, or thrust with the pen held point up. The nerves and soft tissues that anchor the prominent muscle at the deltoid base are attacked when you drive the pen into it.
Disabling or impeding the deltoid, which is responsible for elevating the arm, is a good strategy to diminish an attacker's effectiveness.
Take your finger from the top of your armpit, where it joins your torso straight up a few inches to the much softer notch just above to find this target. That's the deal. This is a blow that can be delivered fast with practice.
If done with vigor, strikes to the neck with a tactical pen are always effective. The entire neck is vulnerable:
- The delicate cartilage windpipe in the front
- The masses of main veins and capillaries on either side
- The spine is the back
A solid blow here will always cause significant pain, and depending on which anatomical structure is struck, it may result in trouble breathing, fainting, or even a broken vertebra. Another high-payoff region is the back of the neck, where the spine is located.
Use your best judgment: blows to the neck delivered with a tool may very well transcend the legal line into lethal force, especially if an injury to the throat, arteries, or spine is likely.
Striking here, though, is a wonderful battle ender, and even if it doesn't, it will gravely hurt an aggressor and allow you a chance to flee safely. Both overhand and underhand punches are viable and effective options.
Strikes with a tactical pen to the face result in serious and frequently gruesome injuries. The flesh of the human face is fragile, flexible, and particularly sensitive to harm from speeding bits of metal, as it turns out. If bleeding occurs, it will be profuse.
In all hand-to-hand combat, the face is a major target, which is no exception. A tactical pen's pointed end will shred and tear soft flesh, quickly damage an eye, and fracture the face's comparatively susceptible bones.
Take care not to strike the eyes or orbits unless you intend to kill someone; a pen can easily shish kebab an eye and pierce the thin bone at the rear of the socket, potentially harming the brain.
As you can expect, this is frequently a show-stopper, so don't hold back if the scenario calls for it. There will be a lot of bleeding. Go for it if you think you have a chance here and the situation justifies it.
The Life of a Tactical Pen
A tactical pen can be an extremely useful instrument. It won't be able to replace a firearm, a tourniquet, or a dedicated glass-breaking instrument, but it can save your life in a pinch. It seems ridiculous not to carry a tactical pen because it is a lightweight, low-profile item that takes up very little space in your pocket. They're inexpensive, easy to come by and make a great addition to your EDC. The tactical pen is no ordinary pen. There are many uses strike pen self defense can do, such as a led flashlight and a bottle opener. It's a multi-tool, indeed!
This brings us back to our original question: what distinguishes a tactical pen? I'd say it's the ability to assist you in achieving many goals. I hope I never have to use my pen for anything other than taking notes, but I'll be glad to have it if I do.
Tactical pens are a defense item used in any weather, season, or location. Someone does not expect problems from a pen, and an assailant does not expect to be drilled so severely by one of his relatives that he screams for mercy.
Select a good tactical pen that can withstand repeated hits, and practice your response using the anatomical targets provided in this tutorial. Then, if you want to have the best tactical pen, check it out today here at ApeSurvival!