What Survival Gear Do You Need?

What Survival Gear Do You Need?

One of the most important pieces to survival gear is a knife. You can't survive without one. A person's body dehydrates quicker than it would take for someone else to find their way back to you, so bring water and food with you when leaving your shelter. It could be hours before help arrives, which puts an immediate sense of urgency on finding what you need to survive long enough until you're located.

What kind of survival gear do I need?

The first thing you need is the survival mentality. You're not taking this lightly. If you can't imagine yourself living through this, then you might as well quit now because it will take all your endurance and attention to survive no matter what gear or supplies you have.

I recommend everyone own high-quality hunting knives—the best way to ensure our ability to catch food during an emergency is with a knife, so the more versatile, the better (dressmaking shears are pretty good too). Mountain House freeze-dried foods aren't bad either if your budget permits them, but remember that they need hot water to cook for them to be edible. Survival is the keyword when it comes to SHTF survival. If you are not prepared, then that means that you will not survive for very long if an emergency arises.

Here are the seven things you need for survival


Food is an integral part of our survival gear. It helps us survive any emergency or natural disaster, not just catastrophes or disasters caused by humans. So it's true that food should be included in any plan to survive.

We have to think about whether we can grow enough food for survivors over the long term and what types of foods are readily available in our region following a major emergency or natural disaster. There's no point stockpiling cans and boxed goods if fresh produce isn't on the menu and doesn't grow well on wild terrain or frozen soil (if it ever thaws). 

They have a ton of SHTF gear that you can buy, and they always have the best SHTF gear for sale to choose from. You should check or review them out sometime; I think you'll like what they're selling.


Drinking plenty of water is very important for maintaining good health, but if you are in a survival situation, this is especially important. You can go days without food after about three days without water, which makes it vital to have an adequate clean water supply when starting on any journey - particularly expeditions that last for two weeks or more.

If you're on the run from the Provisional Authority, the easiest thing is to avoid being detected by hiding out at home, so keep some SHTF gear close cart. One way of doing this is with a bounty drier - these are designed specifically for use in disaster environments where unreliable power sources and limited contact with authorities dictate appropriate preparation strategies.

Lighting and Communication

Lighting and Communication are essential to communicate most efficiently; we would need a way to transmit audio. Modern-day audio signals rely heavily on electricity through power circuits. Should the power grid go down, audio transmitting will be difficult, if not impossible at all. It's generally better to store any critical messages offline rather than relying on cellphones or tablets. These forms of electronic Communication are much more vulnerable as they rely heavily on battery power and internet access to operate correctly. As such, it may be helpful for groups who wish to stay in contact with one another during disasters such as natural disasters or human-caused events such as terrorist acts, significant accidents, etc.

First Aid

First Aid is one of the most important aspects to get right when carrying out any outdoor activities. If you are faced with a medical emergency, there may not be anyone else around who can assist you. To ensure your safety and speed up the recovery process, it would be best for you to have a comprehensive first aid kit on hand at all times.

Survival Gear

Survival gear is a collection of supplies and techniques that you use in a disaster or survival situation. With tens of thousands of disasters each year, it's essential to understand what items will be crucial when the inevitable happens. Survival gear is diverse, offering various categories of different types and levels of need, from storing food during prepping to shelter from the elements after a natural disaster. Your SHTF gear lists should have basics such as food, water, first aid kits, flashlights, Utility knives, portable radios, and gas accessories, as well as more specialized needs such as nutritional supplements or cooking facilities for those looking to go into long-term sustenance mode once things return to normal following a disaster.  

Shelter and Warmth

Shelter and warmth are the most basic survival needs. For both, effective options range from something as simple as a tarp to elaborate caves, including storm shelters. Of course, the first thing you need is adequate shelter, but it will be hard to stay warm enough through the night without some heat source. A good solution for this is some camping stove. Another option is to invest in thick clothing like wool socks or jackets with an internal fleece lining (an outer shell like nylon would work too). You can also build yourself a fire outside your tent or side of your shelter for an added layer of protection against cold weather if it doesn't disrupt smoke coming out into your living space too much.

Other items

Other handy items to have prepped in a regional disaster are a flashlight, Swiss Army Knife, Sharps Container.

An SHTF gear usually includes a large back pack, preferably with a few days worth of food and water. Other items that might be included in one would be firestarters or lighters, a gas canister or small pieces of cloth for starting fires (dryer lint is an excellent choice), matches, wool blankets for warmth (also great water-proofing material), rope or paracord to keep the rest securely packed up tight for when it's time to move out. Of course, the key to any survival equipment is knowing how to use them; practice makes perfect!

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