The Survivors Guide to Prepping for a Disaster

The Survivors Guide to Prepping for a Disaster
The title ‘survivor’ is usually only associated to those who have made it through an incredible ordeal. Military veterans of World War II, passengers who escape a plane crash, or victims who were able to find their way home after years of being stranded. Personally, I believe we’re all survivors, in our own right. You can see survival in the faces of mothers who have given birth to their children, in the hands of farmers who toil endlessly to grow the crops we all eat, and in the arms of a loving father arriving home after a long, tiring day providing for his family. Survival isn’t just about making it through a terrifying ordeal, it’s about overcoming your inner demons and always coming up with a plan, to see any situation through. Here at APE survival, we believe there are three types of disaster you’ll potentially face in your life, from getting fired to surviving a hurricanes, a true survivalist is ready for anything. Of course, not all of us have the skills and knowledge to overcome everything, but the trick is to work consistently and learn something new every day. We take pride in facing our fears and being prepared for whatever may come, and with a little help – so can you. Today, we’re going to cover a range of different disasters you should be considering in your prepping. And yes, if you have questions, feel free to shoot us a line, we’ll be more than happy to help. Oh and one last thing before we begin. It’s really important for you to understand the importance of fighting the right battles. Of course, we’d all love to start building an underground bunker, but in your location perhaps there’s a higher chance you’ll see flooding before a nuclear war breaks out. I know it’s much more fun to imagine what you’d do in a zombie outbreak than preparing for a slowdown in the economy, but a good dose of reality here will help you get started on the right foot. Preparing for the worst is great, but your list needs to be based on priorities, ranked by the likelihood of each major disaster occurring.

Personal level disasters

These are the crises that hit home, hard, and the often come completely out-of-the-blue. We’ve all had our own challenges in life, perhaps you were fired from your last job, or were mugged and now feel discouraged and betrayed by the world. In my experience I’ve learned that what separates a real survivor from the ones that cower in hiding is the dedication and resilience to get back up again after they’ve taken a fall. These personal-level disasters can happen any day, and we’re all no different. The trick is to reduce your vulnerability, so you’re mentally, emotionally and physically prepared.
  • Burglaries and Assaults: Invest in a home security system and fortify your home with adequate measures to deter any would-be criminals. Teach your children to avoid walking home through any dark alleyways, and ensure they’re equipped with self-defensive items like pepper spray, just in case.
  • Job loss. Nothing is ever guaranteed, and the countless university graduates who are now ‘flipping burgers’ can attest to the horrible state of the economy. Losing your job is a difficult situation, which you can prepare for in advance by reducing your debts, living within your means, and building up a buffer of savings to ensure you’ve got enough cash to get by in the event you’re out of a job for weeks, or even months.

Second-level disasters

These are the disasters you’ll see splashed over the news. Perhaps there was a minor earthquake, regional flooding, or a storm that is causing problems for a large number of people. The trick is to ensure you’ve taken adequate precautions to prepare your household and your family. Unfortunately, too many people are overly complacent about these disasters. In Australia families had to be forcibly removed from their homes as bush fires spread to their properties, while in the Philippines thousands of people died from the typhoon in Tacloban City because they didn’t believe how destructive the storm would be. If you’ve got advance warning of a second-level disaster, you should never “assume” that it will all be okay. You need an action plan, with the supplies, gear and food you need to see the disaster through.

Mass-scale disasters

This last category is the scariest. These disasters are the ones so critical, that they pose a long-term threat to your family, society and even humanity as a whole. Perhaps it’s a life-threatening disease that wipes out the majority of a population, a global economic collapse that undermines the fundamentals of society, or a natural disaster so extreme, it renders certain areas unlivable for generations to come. It may sound extreme, but it does happen. Just ask the 160,000 refugees from the Fukushima incident in 2011, who still don’t have homes today. A crisis at this scale can be difficult to prepare for, but not impossible. The key is to remain vigilant, keep an eye on the latest news and forecasts, and trust your gut. If something seems “not-quite-right” there’s probably a good reason for it. Make the call and implement your evacuation plan, and get your family somewhere safe. Surviving is not always easy, but if you’ve taken steps to plan and prepare, you’ve got a much better chance of making it through alive. Take the effort today to start planning for personal, second-level and mass scale disasters, and you’ll be one step closer to surviving even the most critical disasters.

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