How to start a Fire no Matter what

After watching a friend syphon off a little petrol to get a fire started, I knew it wouldn't end well. The whoosh as the fire sparked into life was more than enough to send us all running, and burn the leg hair off of my unfortunate friend. Needless to say, I've been a little more careful when it comes to using accelerants in fire making, but I still do. Some may call it cheating, but I believe there's no such thing when it comes to survival. If you need a fire, or are in a bad situation, you need to get a fire started as fast as possible. That's all there is to it. But this hinges on a key principle. You need to know how to get a fire started in the first place. There's far too many people today who have never spent any time outdoors, and they lack key skills, like how to actually get the fire going. I can't believe this. If you ever hope to survive in the wild, you need to understand fundamentals like this. The trappings of modern society are great, but it's important you know how to make a fire.
The basics of a campfire
To get a fire going you need three things. A source of fuel. Enough oxygen to feed the flames. And of course, a source of ignition. The first two are rather easy to come by, but the ignition source can be tricky. Of course, a cheap lighter will do the trick, and you could also try:- A bow drill
- A bamboo saw
- A magnifying glass
- A battery and steel wool
- A book of matches