How to Re-Stock when you're Caught Without your Stockpile

Being on the road is part of my job. I travel for work, which means I'm in and out of airports more than you could possibly believe. For a survivalist, this presents a massive red flag. Every time I leave my home, and all of my stockpiled supplies, I am gambling. I am at risk of something happening that I am not fully prepared for, and that scares me. Of course, my EDC comes with me every time I have checked bags, but sometimes I don't even have this as an option. If I'm headed interstate for just the night, it's cheaper and more convenient to travel without booking extra luggage. And with most airlines charging fees for checked bags, it's becoming more and more frequently that I'm travelling unprepared. Over the weekend, I experienced a small earthquake in a town I was visiting. Not enough to do any real damage, just a few seconds of unease as I felt the ground move. It barely registered on the Richter scale, but it got me thinking. Would I have been ready if something worse had happened? All I had with me was a change of clothes and my toothbrush. Being totally honest, I would have been in big trouble if that earthquake had done any real damage, and I would have needed to act fast if I wanted to have any hope to survive. Which is the point of this post today. The workarounds you need to follow if you're caught in an emergency, and don't have access to your survival stockpile.
The convenience of no heavy luggage
We've covered what you should have in your everyday carry (EDC) pretty thoroughly in a previous post, but many of these item's you're going to struggle getting onto an airplane. You won't pass security with knives or a firearm, and definitely not anything flammable from your fire-starting kit. So, without any checked luggage, the most you're going to have with you is a flashlight, your smartphone and a small battery pack, a little extra money I'm going to say this again. Travelling without a fully-stocked EDC is a gamble, but I do it for convenience. It's a balance. I can bring less survival gear, but it also makes an emergency more convenient. There's no heavy suitcase to lug around. I could cancel a flight and swap to another airline, or even take the bus without trying to get my checked bags back. I can change routes if weather or any emergencies see my plans rerouted. Plus, it gets me out of the airport faster, so I'm first in line at the car rental agency, and you'll never have to worry about an airline losing your bags. I've had luggage lost, and it's not fun. Waiting 48 hours for your belongings to be returned to you, after an airline's mistake sent them to the other side of the world.What you need when a disaster strikes
These days, I have checked bags on less than half of the flights I take. But if a disaster strikes, here's what I'd be focused on finding.- Protective clothes to keep me insulated from the elements
- A shelter where I can get out of the weather and stay dry
- A reliable source of water that is not contaminated
- A system for purifying and storing any water I collect
- Enough calories to keep me fed and happy for the duration of the disaster
- Self-defensive weapons to protect myself from any other people